Tomsk State University
Department of History

634051 Russia, Tomsk, 34, Lenin Ave., room 30

Tel.: 007 3822 529 796

Mediaarticles, audio, video

Pages with tag "articles"

24.10.2015 Professor Victor Dyatlov: ‘It is better not to deal with China on your own’…

Renowned Russian sinologist, Doctor of History, Professor of the Department of History and International Relations at Irkutsk State University Victor Dyatlov told the TV2 news agency about the prospects for cooperation between Russia and China.

7.09.2015 Visit of experts to TSU

In the end of August 2015, Tomsk State University was visited by experts of ‘Inconsult K’ LLC that assist the implementation of mega-grant projects and members of the Russian Government Council on state support for research conducted under the supervision of leading scientists at Russian universities.

4.08.2015 On the summer school in Bulgaria

Information is available in a TSU website news article on the summer school ‘The anthropology of science and big technical systems: identity of scientists and engineers’ organized by the Department of Applied and Institutional Sociology (Plovdiv University n.a. Paisius of Hilendar), with support from the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the TSU Laboratory for Social and Anthropological Research (LSAR).

2.08.2015 The territory of ethnicization

An account of activities carried out during the international school-workshop ‘Migration and the ethnicization of the urban space’ held in Tomsk on June 17-19, 2015, is now available on the Tomsk State University website. The event was organized by the Laboratory for Social and Anthropological Research (Tomsk State University) jointly with the Laboratory of Historical and Political Demography (Irkutsk State University), and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Russia.

1.05.2015 Information briefing on migration

On 23 April, 2015, at the Duma of the city of Tomsk, there was a briefing held with the participation of deputies-members of the Commission on interethnic issues and representatives from the Municipal and Regional Administration and Federal Migration Service, as well as academic community members, where the topic of Tomsk city dwellers’ attitudes toward migrants was discussed.

26.04.2015 Conference themed ‘Anthropology. Folklore. Sociolinguistics’

On March 26th to 28th, 2015, the European University at Saint Petersburg Department of Anthropology held IV annual conference ‘Anthropology. Folklore. Sociolinguistics’. Among the conference participants also was the TSU LSAR fellow and student Polina Koshkaryova. More information on the event can be found on the website of the European University.

26.04.2015 “The Laboratory for Social and Anthropological Research has become a brilliant international research centre”

Interview with the LSAR chief research fellow, professor Dmitri A. Funk, dedicated to the main achievements and results produced in the framework of the project ‘Man in a Changing World. Identity and Social Adaptation: Past and Present’, is available in Russian on the TSU website.

20.02.2015 TSU historians establish a world class laboratory

The Tomskiye Novosti newspaper tells about the Laboratory for Social and Anthropological Research established at the TSU Department of History, its research and education activities and the launch of a new specialty.

24.12.2014 Nikolay Ssorin-Chaikov’s interview for TSU Alma Mater

TSU newspaper ‘Alma Mater’ has published an interview with the leading research fellow of the TSU Laboratory for Social and Anthropological Research and lecturer at the University of Cambridge Nikolay Ssorin-Chaikov, dedicated to people’s perceptions of and ideas about happiness in different cultures and at different times in history.

22.12.2014 Research trip to the University of Goettingen

On the website of the Goettingen University Faculty of Theology (Germany) there has been posted a piece of news on research trips made by Russian scholars, including representatives of the TSU Laboratory for Social and Anthropological Research, to the university in October-November 2014.

20.10.2014 TSU Alma Mater on TSU ‘Man in a Changing World’ conference

The newspaper published an article dedicated to the holding of an international conference ‘Man in a Changing World’ carried out at TSU on October 14-15. The event gathered historians, sociologists, political science specialists and anthropologists from across the world. Head of the LSAR Irina Nam told the Alma Mater what topics were discussed within the conference’s 13 sessions and what ‘research stars’ visited Tomsk to participate.

20.10.2014 ‘Evening Tomsk’ on ‘Man in a Changing World’ international conference

In its section ‘Naukograd’ the Evening Tomsk newspaper covers an international conference ‘Man in a Changing World’ held on October 14-15, 2014, at Tomsk State University.

6.10.2014 Alma Mater on the first meeting of mega grant holders

The TSU newspaper tells about the meeting of mega grants holders and the conference ‘Science of the future’ attended by TSU representatives, held on September 17-20 in Saint Petersburg. The newspaper also notes a lively interest expressed at the conference with regard to the TSU Laboratory for Social and Anthropological Research’s project ‘Man in a Changing World..’. 

6.10.2014 TSU Alma Mater on lectures themed ‘Post-socialism and the topography of happiness’

The TSU Alma Mater newspaper elaborates on lectures given at the TSU Laboratory for Social and Anthropological Research by Cambridge University lecturer Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov on the anthropology of post-socialism and today’s industry of happiness.

26.09.2014 N. Ssorin-Chaikov’s interview with Tomskiye Novosti

The Tomskiye Novosti newspaper published an interview with well-known anthropologist and ethnographer Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov (PhD in Anthropology from Stanford University), research fellow and lecturer at the Cambridge University Department of Social Anthropology.

21.05.2014 TSU Alma Mater on the mega grant won by TSU historians and ethnologists

Alma Mater tells about the victory of a group of TSU historians and ethnologists of the Department of History in a competition for the state mega grant funding. They had presented a project designed to comprehensively study humans in a changing world, their past and present identities and social adaptation issues.

12.05.2014 Impressions of the trip to Tomsk

Elena V. Miskova posted on her Facebook page an account of her stay in Tomsk from April 7 to April 11, 2014.

6.04.2014 TSU Alma Mater on open lectures organized by the Laboratory for Social and Anthropological Research

The Tomsk State University Alma Mater newspaper tells about a series of open lectures by Moscow Higher School of Economics Associate Professor Oleg Oberemko and Cambridge University lecturer Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov carried out at the TSU Laboratory for Social and Anthropological Research in March 2014.

6.04.2014 ‘Tomskiye Novosti’ on the TSU Laboratory for Social and Anthropological Research

The Tomskiye Novosti newspaper offers an article titled ‘The base for anthropologists’ devoted to the personalities of Laboratory’s leading research fellows and the main areas of its activity.

1.04.2014 Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov’s interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda

Cambridge University lecturer Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov (PhD in Anthropology) shared his plans for collaboration with TSU researchers with correspondents of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.

15.03.2014 Globalsib information portal on Oleg Oberemko’s lectures

The internet portal ‘Globalsib’ informs about open lectures given by Higher School of Economics Associate Professor Oleg Oberemko at Tomsk State University. The lectures were meant to help researchers dealing with identity and, also, to teach participants how to interpret current social and political events through the prism of modern research approaches.   

4.02.2014 Elena Trubina on how Richard Florida’s ideas were adopted in Russia

In the NZ journal issued by the New Literary Observer publishing house there was an article published by Ural Federal University Professor Elena Trubina. In her contribution, the author – Russian leading anthropologist and urbanist – studies the embodiment of Richard Florida’s ideas in Russia, including in the city of Tomsk.

15.01.2014 Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov’s interview with the information portal ‘VTomkse’

The portal ‘VTomske’ held a conversation with the social anthropologist invited to Tomsk by TSU – Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov who told about his experience as a researcher working in Russia and abroad and also expressed his view of the prospects for studying social anthropology at TSU.

25.12.2013 TSU Alma Mater on lectures given by Cambridge University lecturer N. Ssorin-Chaikov

Alma Mater informs about the visit to TSU of one of the internationally well-known social anthropologists, Cambridge University lecturer Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov. Invited to Tomsk under the mega grant won by TSU historians, he gave an open lecture course developed specifically for TSU – ‘Social Anthropology: Introduction’.

29.11.2013 TSU Alma Mater on LSAR events

Alma Mater published an article dedicated to the methodological seminar ‘Identities of cities and within cities: theory and practice of contemporary social and anthropological research’ and to lectures held at TSU by Elena G. Trubina (Dr.Sc. (Philosophy)), Professor of Department of Social Philosophy at Ural Federal University.

11.10.2013 D. Funk’s interview with ‘Evening Tomsk’ newspaper

Chief Research Fellow of the Laboratory for Social and Anthropological Research, Professor Dmitry Funk gave an interview to the Evening Tomsk newspaper.

4.10.2013 Dmitry Funk’s interview with RIA Novosti

What is identity and, more specifically, what is Siberian identity; what makes Siberians differ from residents of the central part of Russia – these and many more RIA Novosti correspondents discussed with Chair of IEA RAS Department of Siberia and the North, Professor Dmitry Funk who heads the project ‘Man in a Changing World’ run at TSU.

4.10.2013 Tomsk Review and Komsomolskaya Pravda on educating social anthropologists at TSU

The regional internet-journal ‘Tomsk Review’ and one of the oldest and most influential Russian newspapers ‘Komsomolskaya Pravda’ both speak about the prospects for educating students in Tomsk State University ‘anthropology and ethnology’ programme. The programme is to be launched in 2014 and will be run by a newly-established laboratory for social and anthropological research.

1.10.2013 Dmitry Funk’s interview with TSU newspaper ‘Alma Mater’

About the mega grant and plans as to the development of the Laboratory for Social and Anthropological Research created at TSU Department of History spoke in his interview with Alma Mater Professor Dmitry Funk (Dr. Sc. (History)), Chair of Department of Siberia and the North (RAS Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology).

17.09.2013 Alma Mater on an international summer school held at Maastricht University

Alma Mater published an article about TSU master students who took part in an international summer school held at Maastricht University (the Netherlands). Among them was Albina Rasskazchikova, anthropology student of TSU Department of History and LSAR assistant

16.05.2013 The ‘Science and Technology of the Russian Federation’ portal on the creation of a laboratory of social anthropology in Tomsk

The e-portal ‘Science and Technology of the Russian Federation’ reveals the plans for the future of Tomsk researchers following their victory in the Russian Government mega grant competition. Under the research project ‘Man in a Changing World. Identity and Social Adaptation: Past and Present’, a laboratory for social and anthropological research will be established at Tomsk State University.

25.04.2013 ‘Tomsk Review’ on the TSU mega grant for anthropology

The internet journal ‘Tomsk Review’ published an article about TSU winning the mega grant competition held by Russian Government for the provision of state support for research. Thanks to the Russian Government Council for Grant Funding, there will be a project titled ‘Man in a Changing World. Identity and Social Adaptation: Past and Present’ implemented at TSU Department of History and headed by Professor Dmitry Funk, Chair of Department of Siberia and the North (RAS Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology).

The project "Man in a Changing World. Identity and Social Adaptation: Past and Present" is funded by the Russian Government
(grant #14.В25.31.0009)
© Laboratory for Social and Anthropoligical Research, 2013

The website is translated into English by LSAR Fellow Elena M. Karageorgii, e-mail: visits: 316404

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