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The regional identity of the siberian community: major formation factors and reconstruction problems

Europolis. 2013. Vol. 7, # 1

Vyacheslav Shevtsov

The article considers conditions, factors and mechanisms of regional Siberian identity formation in the historical past and in the modern conditions of poliethnic and multiconfessional Russia. The Siberian identity is presented by hierarchy of identities: regional and territorial (territories and areas), national and territorial (autonomous republics and areas), ethnic, religious and professional ones. The level of the Siberian identity is proportional to the level of resource, technological, historical and cultural self-sufficiency of the Siberian society. Today the Siberian identity is realized mainly at the level of separate territories and national and territorial formations as well. At the same time, the strengthening of the confessional and ethnocultural identity role, expressed in the growth of the number of religious, national and cultural associations and autonomies, became a new phenomenon.

Электронная версия

Проект "Человек в меняющемся мире. Проблемы идентичности и социальной адаптации в истории и современности" реализуется в рамках гранта Правительства Российской Федерации для государственной поддержки научных исследований № 14.В25.31.0009
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