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Tajikistan’s Atomised Peace: Approaching Conflict Management from the Ground Up (Kluczewska K.)

Tajikistan’s Atomised Peace: Approaching Conflict Management from the Ground Up // Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding. 2020. Vol. 14. Issue 4: Studying Peace in and with Central Eurasia. P. 551-570.

Karolina Kluczewska

By analysing constitutive everyday peace practices, the article shows that poor socio-economic conditions, rather than political grievances and aspirations, are major sources of an actual and potential discontent in present day Tajikistan. It is argued that peace is atomised in a way that it is upheld through state withdrawal from welfare provision and an ongoing, ever more deepening fragmentation of the social fabric in the context of the precarity accompanying the country’s integration into the global political economy after the Soviet collapse and the subsequent civil war (1992–97). Nevertheless, individuals themselves navigate, domesticate and mitigate conflicts from the ground up.

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