Interdisciplinary research conference ‘The ethnic and the social: forms of interaction and conflicts’
From February 24th to February 26th, 2016, an interdisciplinary research conference ‘The ethnic and the social: forms of interaction and conflicts’ is to be held at the Institute of History of Saint Petersburg State University (SPSU) within the project “Historia nationem gignit” managed by Doctor of History, Professor at the SPSU Department of the Middle Ages Sergey Egorovich Fyodorov.
The following problems are thought to be discussed at the conference:
- Methodology of studying ethnic and social phenomena.
- The ethnic and the social in the pre-national era. The issue of the merging and atomization.
- Problems of ethno-genesis.
- Social dimensions of ethnic, ethno-cultural and ethno-political identities.
- Anthropology of ethno-confessional communities.
- The ethnic in social conflicts.
- Ethno-social and ethno- and class-divided communities: the terminology and issues of typology.
- Nation as a basic structure of the state. National states’ experience. Ethno-nation, civil nation and other.
To participate in the conference, please submit an application by November 30th, 2015, the latest to
More detailed information is available in the information letter (in Russian).