Tomsk State University
Department of History

634051 Russia, Tomsk, 34, Lenin Ave., room 30

Tel.: 007 3822 529 796

TSU TV video report on lectures delivered by Oleg Korneev

On May 12-15, 2014, there were a number of open lectures held at TSU on the topic of ‘Expert knowledge in politics and international relations’. They were given by senior research fellow of University of Sheffield’s Department of Political Studies Oleg Korneev. All interested could learn more about immigration policy and understand what expert knowledge is. More details in a report by Svetlana Sokolova and Natalia Gievskaya

Full text available in Russian

The project "Man in a Changing World. Identity and Social Adaptation: Past and Present" is funded by the Russian Government
(grant #14.В25.31.0009)
© Laboratory for Social and Anthropoligical Research, 2013

The website is translated into English by LSAR Fellow Elena M. Karageorgii, e-mail: visits: 316403

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