Tomsk State University
Department of History

634051 Russia, Tomsk, 34, Lenin Ave., room 30

Tel.: 007 3822 529 796

Summer school ‘Youth of Europe: education, work, leisure’

The TSU Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and TSU Centre for research on international organizations and network structures held a summer school under the title of ‘Youth of Europe: education, work, leisure’ from June 22 to June 26, 2016.

The event took place at Tomsk State University. The programme included a plenary meeting, a number of roundtable discussions, seminars and presentations. Among experts invited to the summer school were scholars from Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Tomsk and Irkutsk. Among school participants were students and young researchers from universities of Tomsk, Barnaul, Kemerovo, Omsk, Saint Petersburg and Tyumen as well as from India, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

The project "Man in a Changing World. Identity and Social Adaptation: Past and Present" is funded by the Russian Government
(grant #14.В25.31.0009)
© Laboratory for Social and Anthropoligical Research, 2013

The website is translated into English by LSAR Fellow Elena M. Karageorgii, e-mail: visits: 277830

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