Tomsk State University
Department of History

634051 Russia, Tomsk, 34, Lenin Ave., room 30

Tel.: 007 3822 529 796

The December ‘Russian Seasons’ forum

On December 18th and 19th, the ‘Russian Seasons’ forum is to be held in Tomsk. The event is organized by TSU Research Centre ‘Trans-Siberian Scientific Way’.

The December ‘Russian Seasons’ forum will study the Russian national costume. How did a Russian peasant woman perceive her dress which she was herself sewing? How was it seen at the turn of the centuries by the Russian empress or by designer Nadezhda Lamanova? Was there a Russian costume which sculptor Vera Mukhina would find special? How was the Russian costume seen by Russian artists? What unconventional steps are possible to be made today when dealing with Russian traditional clothing? Why reconstruct authentic clothes? Answers to these and many other questions the people of Tomsk will find out together with experts.      

Forum’s speakers:

At the ‘Russian Seasons’ forum, creative workshops, public lectures as well as an expert session and showing of the 18th and 19th century female headwear and modern designer clothes are to be held along with an interactive performance event where everyone will have the opportunity to take a picture ‘within’ well-known paintings by Russian artists.      

The entrance is free. If willing to do so, all of the participants of the Russian Seasons forum will receive certificates of complementary or advanced training. You can direct your questions on that to Elena V. Ryltseva, tel.: (3822) 52 94 94.

Programme of the Russian Seasons forum at TSU:

Friday, December 18th:

12.00 “The Russian crown: technologies, principles and materials for the reconstruction of the 18th and the 19th century headwear”. Creative lab. Juhann Nikadimus, Moscow - an ethnomusician, embroidery designer, specialist in reconstructions and in the ‘sazhenie po beli’ technique (a traditional embroidery technique). (TSU central building, Assembly Hall, free entrance).

16.00 “[Live painting”. Interactive performance: ‘live paintings’ (costume installations that reproduce artists’ paintings), a lecture tour to the history of paintings’ creation, and a chance to take a picture ‘within’ a painting. (TSU Centre of Culture Lobby, free entrance).

16.00 Exhibition “Traditional costume from the collection of TSU Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography of Siberia”. (TSU Centre of Culture Lobby, free entrance).

19.00 “Men talk about clothes: revealing stories”. A lively conversation about the perception of tradition in our days and forecasts for its future accompanied by a modern designer clothes “Russkoe” and the 18th to 19th century’ headwear show collection. Andrey Borovskiy, Juhann Nikadimus, Andrey Skatkov (Moscow) together with the art-project ‘Vasiliyev vecher’ (Tomsk). (TSU Centre of Culture, free entrance). 

Saturday, December 19th:

12.00 “The architectonics and reconstruction of the Northern kosoklinnyy sundress”. Creative lab. Design-group “Samo - Skatkov Adrey Maria Orlova”, Moscow who are theatre and film artists, specialists in costume reconstructions and costume collectors, members of International Federation of Artists. (TSU central building Assembly Hall, free entrance).

12.00 Exhibition “Traditional costume from the collection of TSU Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography of Siberia”. (TSU central building Assembly Hall, free entrance).

14.00 ““Shabelskaya’s complex”: milestones in the mythologizing of folk costume in the 20th century”. Lecture. Andrey Borovskiy, Moscow – a folk costume researcher, artist, art expert, museologist, member of International Association of Museologists and a fellow at the Jewish Museum and Centre of Tolerance. (TSU central building Assembly Hall, free entrance).

18.00 “Kimono VS ponyova: the traditional clothes in and out”. Lecture featuring trying on ‘kurotomesode’ kimono which is a female Japanese ceremonial costume and ‘Russian dress’ which is a festive costume of a young girl in Belgorod oblast. Andrey Skatkov, Maria Orlova, Andrey Borovskiy, Moscow – costume collectors and researchers (the creative SMILE project’s venue: Tomsk, 7, Nakhanovich lane, the ‘Kinomir’ cinema building, 1st floor, VIP-room. Free entrance)

Manager of The Russian Seasons forum Daniil Krapchunov can be contacted at tel.: +7-923-403-73-62.

The project "Man in a Changing World. Identity and Social Adaptation: Past and Present" is funded by the Russian Government
(grant #14.В25.31.0009)
© Laboratory for Social and Anthropoligical Research, 2013

The website is translated into English by LSAR Fellow Elena M. Karageorgii, e-mail: visits: 277840

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