Tomsk State University
Department of History

634051 Russia, Tomsk, 34, Lenin Ave., room 30

Tel.: 007 3822 529 796

I Tomsk Anthropological Forum

Department of History Laboratory for Social and Anthropological Research are pleased to announce I Tomsk Anthropological Forum, themed “Anthropology in search of language of description” to be held in the city of Tomsk on September 15-17, 2016.

The Tomsk Anthropological Forum (TAF) is launched by the Laboratory for Social and Anthropological Research in the framework of the project ‘Man in a Changing World. Identity and Social Adaptation: Past and Present’ funded by the Russian Government (grant # 14.В25.31.0009) and D.I. Mendeleev Scientific Foundation of the Tomsk State University (projectС). It is intended to constitute a platform for a broad discussion of topical theoretical and practical issues in social anthropology. The Forum is to be held once every two years.

The TAF-2016 aims to discuss issues related to such contemporary challenges as the increased and ever more complex migration flows, the spread of new information technologies and the intensive resource development of new territories.  Within the ‘migrations – technologies – resources and people’ theoretical framework, conceptualizations currently existing in modern anthropology will be critically reexamined and new theoretical approaches to as well as languages of description for both old and relatively new issues will be attempted at.

The Forum’s organizers seek a broad interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of issues put forward for discussion.

The Forum's Programme Committee

The Forum’s Sessions

Symposium 1: Migration ‘challenges’ of the 21st century (a “challenging” field of migration studies: critical appraisal of migration challenges and international migration narratives).

Moderators: Oleg Korneev (Paris, France/Tomsk, Russia), Irina V. Nam (Tomsk, Russia)

Debaters: Elena I. Filippova (Moscow, Russia), Victor I. Dyatlov (Irkutsk, Russia), Sergey N. Abashin (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Ayse Caglar (Vienna, Austria), Madeleine Reeves (Manchester, Great Britain), Bhavna Dave (London, Great Britain)

Symposium 2: People, cultures, resources (inter-group, inter-personal, human-animal, and human-spirits relationships in the conflicts over resource rent)

Moderators: Dmitri A. Funk (Moscow, Russia), Alexandra Lavrillier (Paris, France)

Debaters: Hugh Beach (Uppsala, Sweden), Otto Habeck (Hamburg, Germany)

Symposium 3: Heterogeneous communities in the contemporary world (anthropological challenges to science, technology and society: persistence and endurance of human actors and sustainability of heterogeneous communities in sciences, technologies and beyond)

Moderator: Irina G. Popravko (Tomsk, Russia)

Debaters: Sergey V. Sokolovsky (Moscow, Russia), Ivan H. Tchalakov (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)

All the three Symposia are open for senior undergraduates and master students’ applications as well.

Languages: Russian, English.

To participate in the Forum, you are welcome to submit your application form and abstract (300 to 400 words) in either Russian or English as two separate files to the email: by June 15th, 2016, the latest.

More information can be found here.

The project "Man in a Changing World. Identity and Social Adaptation: Past and Present" is funded by the Russian Government
(grant #14.В25.31.0009)
© Laboratory for Social and Anthropoligical Research, 2013

The website is translated into English by LSAR Fellow Elena M. Karageorgii, e-mail: visits: 321633

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