Tomsk State University
Department of History

634051 Russia, Tomsk, 34, Lenin Ave., room 30

Tel.: 007 3822 529 796

International field school ‘Photogrammetry for cultural heritage’

In September 2014 LSAR senior researchers Olga Zaytseva and Evgeniy Vodyasov took part in an international field school ‘Photogrammetry for cultural heritage’ held in Romania. Leading experts from Italy, a recognized world leader in the digitalization and 3D visualization of historical and cultural heritage taught at the school together with specialists of the National History Museum of Romania. Among the school attendees were both eminent scholars and students from Italy, Greece, Germany, and Romania. We were the only ones from Russia. 


The training programme was very intense. The participants were constantly involved in practical museum studies in Tulcea and field studies at the ancient archaeological site of Argamum. By the end of the school every participant had to present his/her project demonstrating independently created 3D models of antique vessels and architectural structures of Argamum. The main difference from Russian archaeological field schools was that the school was clearly oriented towards practical learning outcomes.  

During a week study of photogrammetry, every participant learnt how to make high-precision photo-realistic 3D models. In essence, this was a method of immersion in the sense that all the school attendees and teachers were together in a rural boarding house around the clock and the joint work on projects would always last till late at night.

The school also offered us a very interesting venue - Jurilovca village in Tuclea district – a place of compact residence of Russians - Lipovan Old Believers of the Belo-Krinitsa concord. On the streets of the village Russian speech can still be heard today.


The experience acquired during the school made us think of organizing a field school on photogrammetry for students of the TSU Department of History.  

Olga Zaytseva, LSAR senior research fellow

The project "Man in a Changing World. Identity and Social Adaptation: Past and Present" is funded by the Russian Government
(grant #14.В25.31.0009)
© Laboratory for Social and Anthropoligical Research, 2013

The website is translated into English by LSAR Fellow Elena M. Karageorgii, e-mail: visits: 277840

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